New experience - diagonal stringing
We string a lot of racquets and we enjoy it too!
Our main stringer, Larry Howes has been stringing for 20+ years. Being a Master Racquet Technician I have strung at the US Open in New York, French Open in Paris, been the Davis Cup stringer for 2 years, and 3 Rogers Cups in Montreal. Plus I run the show at Racquet Science and string everyday... 16K+ racquets and counting :)
Yesterday was a first time experience though. A customer brought in his Power Angle racquets for fresh string. Power Angle has a unique string pattern in that the strings run on a 45 degree angle to a conventional pattern. Never one to shy away from a challenge I studied the pattern, read what I could online, cut out the old string, and mounted the frame in the machine. Deep breath and I started... I am very happy to say it turned out great (not to brag or anything) and clicked off another box in the experience list.
If you want to see more info on Power Angle their website is here and I have attached a few pics below.
There isn't a ton of info on stringing these. If other shops / stringers want help in stringing a Power Angle racquet feel free to contact me and we can walk through it together.
Thanks for reading.
Larry Howes
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